Review + Swatch | Colourpop Cosmetics | Lippie Stix in Frida, Lumiere & Button

Hey guys! If you follow me on instagram @SheenaShares, you'd know that I promised these swatches a while back. So this post is actually a long time coming. And I'm only gonna give you half of what I promised. Terribly sorry about that. Apologies aside, let's do a recap on the shades I got. The 6 shades I got were Dalia, LBB, Brink, Frida, Lumiere and Button. However, today, I'll be sharing my thoughts on only...
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Life Update #1

Hey there! Hope this finds you well (: I've been short of time recently because my prelims and exams are fast approaching. In Feb/Mar and May/Jun to be exact. Therefore I apologise that I haven't been updating twice a week as I've been last year. I do try to update at least once a week and there should be a Review + Swatch on 3 of Colourpop Cosmetics Lippie Stix. I know I have 6 but I could only photograph 3 before I had...
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Review + Swatch | Mac | Red Red Red Collection Lipstick in Toxic Tale

MAC | Red Red Red | Toxic Tale Hope this finds you well! Forgive the lack of  updates, prelims and finals are coming so hadn't had the time to write much. Please bear with my sparse updates until those end. I have tons of product reviews I want to share with you after, in the mean time, follow me on Instagram @sheenashares to get a sneak of reviews that might come your way. However, I did want to share with you a lipstick...
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